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Location: San Fernando Valley, California, United States

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Pix from the '60's

When I took Daddy to Lancaster yesterday, I spent a few minutes looking through a box labeled photos. Most of them were Bob's, but I found a few I brought home to scan.

I was a real fox when I was eleven or twelve, and I loved that Mondrian-style dress. It was one of the few fashionable garments I ever owned, although I never got the go-go boots that properly went with it.

By the time I got to 10th grade, I had really started to lard on the pounds. I can't remember whether mother or I cut my bangs this time, but I do wish I'd used a mirror as well as a comb.

Here's a picture of Mother and Charlotte taken in September 1969. Charlotte would have been about the same age here as I was in the photo up top. By September 1970, though, she had gone through a serious growth spurt as well as filling out. I'm also somewhat taken aback by Mother's wrinkles. She was only 38 here. She was quite beautiful, though. I wish she could have kept her hair more like that instead of perming it to death, and after she quit smoking, she gained a lot of weight.

That's all for now. I have a few more pictures, not many, from other times, that I'll try to get around to eventually. For example, I found my favorite turquoise-color squaw dress from when I was 5 hanging in the closet, and I also found a photo of me wearing it in my baby book. I need to do some kind of montage with that.


Blogger Charlotte said...

Another object lesson in why not to smoke! I see puberty had just started rearing its ugly little head in my picture - I had that half straight, half curly think going. It was shortly after this that I grew out my bangs because of the corkscrew that appeared on the side!

P.S. You need to speak more nicely about yourself! "Lard up" would be unspeakably rude if you said it about someone else, now wouldn't it?!!

Fri Aug 22, 05:33:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Jeannette said...

If I were still fat, I wouldn't be so negative about my high school self. How many women look better more than thirty-five years after graduating from high school than they did then?

Sat Aug 23, 02:23:00 PM PDT  

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