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Location: San Fernando Valley, California, United States

Monday, January 08, 2007

My Dog did NOT eat my Blog

I haven't updated my blog in almost a month because I have been busy. My mother has needed a lot of care and attention, culminating in hospitalization the day after Christmas with an intestinal blockage. Fortunately, that problem resolved itself, but some of the pain medication she had made her paranoid (she told Charlotte, who spent the night with her two nights in a row in the hospital, not to fall asleep so "they" would not get her.) Other medication made her gaga, and she would make the same, totally nonsensical statement over and over again, or ask incomprehensible questions. Last Friday, we moved her to Canyon Oaks Rehab Center only two miles from my house. It's an extremely nice care center, and most of the staff are very helpful. Those who aren't get in trouble.

Almost the whole family came out last week, since we weren't sure Mother would survive, and I've had a houseful. At one point, I was housing ten and feeding twelve (Rebecca and her daughter stayed at the Hilton).

Unfortunately, Mother expects a family member to sit with her all the time. At the hospital, this meant that before my sisters and brother got here, I stayed with her into the wee hours - one morning until after five - and then came home for an hour or two of sleep before I got my dad up to sit with her during the day. The care center's visiting hours run from 11:00 in the morning to 8:00 in the evening, and she assumes that, naturally, there will be someone with her every minute of that time, even if she reluctantly accepts that they don't allow anyone to spend the night. My dad is exhausted, and I'm pretty tired, so I suspect that once Bob and Bobby have gone back to Georgia and it's just us, we are going to have to suffer her pouts and her attempts at loading us with guilt and visit for more reasonable hours. We shall see.

If she starts reading blogs again, this entry is sooo getting edited.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess a lot of them had to sleep on the carpet ;) (<-- Very, very old reference)

Fri Jan 12, 04:16:00 AM PST  
Blogger Jeannette said...

I've actually got airbeds now, plus a couple of convertible sofas, so if you ever come out to visit, I can do better than the carpet for you. Besides, my new carpet isn't quite so plush as the previous stuff.

I've never had so many people they wouldn't all fit somewhere inside the house, but I have given some thought to how I can put extras out on the back patio. It's covered but not enclosed and might not be a bad place to sleep most of the year.

Our temperature got down to 24.8F last night, which is quite unusual. I think it's gotten that cold only once before since I started living in this area thirty years ago; we typically don't even get down to freezing. A person sleeping on the back patio would have wanted an electric warming blanket or a down mummy bag along with a thick, insulating foam pad. Air beds are not great in cold weather.

Sun Jan 14, 11:07:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, here it's warmer than ever (literally) for this time of year. There's flowers popping up that are totally confused by the weather...

Wed Jan 17, 08:17:00 PM PST  

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