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Location: San Fernando Valley, California, United States

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Red Hat Rocky Horror Costume

I put together a new, improved costume for The Rocky Horror Picture Show and I wore it to a Red Hat event in Sacramento. I'm not sure they "got" it, because I didn't even get an honorable mention. I certainly got noticed, however.

So far, so demure.

Here am I in all my tarted-up glory next to the very elegant Miss Carolina 1963. In spite of my 4" heels, she still topped me by several inches. She is Jeanne Robertson, a very, very funny motivational speaker. On Saturday night, she had us laughing ourselves incontinent. I need to stand next to tall, beautiful women more often - this is actually a fairly decent picture of me.

The Shriners provided policing for the event. I got questioned pretty closely and cited for numerous offenses. Fortunately Charlotte was present and bailed me out of jail.

I also got my bottom pinched by the guy on my right. Lee warned me I presented a tempting target. The only other bottom on display at the event was a fake pink plastic one, worn by a dark angel with her skirt rucked up in back. She got the award for Funniest Costume, but I doubt anybody pinched her.


Blogger Liz said...

wow! you have great gams! it's inspiring me to work out...

Thu Nov 06, 09:30:00 PM PST  
Blogger Charlotte said...

And your sister is a pretty good photographer!

Sat Nov 15, 12:21:00 PM PST  
Blogger Jeannette said...

It is true that my sister is a good photographer. A few days ago, I took some pictures of myself using a timer and a tripod and look about ten years older and twenty pounds heavier in them. Making someone look ten years younger and hot is the mark of a good photographer. Getting the perfect timing on the startled expression, especially with an unfamiliar digital camera, takes an excellent photographer.

Sat Nov 15, 03:53:00 PM PST  
Blogger Cat F said...

Or just really lucky.

Sat Apr 25, 03:37:00 PM PDT  

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