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Location: San Fernando Valley, California, United States

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I went to give my deposition today, and on the way I had to make a detour around a rather major traffic accident at an intersection nearby. I had been having Evan practice his driving around there not a half hour before, and we had gone through that same intersection at least twice. There were three fire trucks and an ambulance, and I saw them wheeling somebody away on a gurney while I was waiting for a pedestrian to finish crossing on the red in front of me. A policeman directing traffic gestured, rather impatiently, for me to make my right turn and stop gawking, so I'm not sure he had seen the pedestrian holding me up.

The irony is that the accident I went to give a deposition about regarded a pedestrian crossing against a red light and getting hit by a car. Since I witnessed the accident more than a year and a half ago, some of the details had gotten fuzzy in my memory, but I think I acquitted myself reasonably well. I hope the other witnesses fill in the gaps as well as corroborate my own account. I also hope the two attorneys convince their clients to settle. I know there was fault on the side of the pedestrian, and there may have been fault on the side of the driver, as well. It will be interesting to read the transcript.

After I left the deposition, I was surprised to see that the accident at the intersection had not been completely cleared more than an hour after it occurred. I also wondered why there was a police cruiser parked up on the sidewalk by the traffic signal. After I drove past, I saw that the police car had taken the corner too fast (or perhaps swerved to avoid the accident?) and had run its passenger side into a pole. If I'd had the presence of mind, I'd have remembered I had my camera with me and pulled into the parking lot of the mall next to where this took place and gotten a few snapshots. Unfortunately, I was some way down the road before I thought of this and decided not to go back. I did hope to find some pictures online, but the news media is slower than that. With any luck, there will be a photo in the paper tomorrow; the offices of the Los Angeles Daily News are only a few blocks up the street from the scene of the accident.


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